The School of Hard Knocks: Hustle Culture is Alive and Well

Cecil Williams
5 min readOct 19, 2022

Part II

In Part I, I told you about why I decided, really early, to become an entrepreneur. That story wouldn’t be complete without me telling you about my entrepreneurial pursuits, would it?!

Here are some of the hustles/entrepreneurial ventures I’ve dabbled in while finding my true north star to wealth building and success and some of the challenges and lessons I’ve taken from them.

Being an entrepreneur is a journey!

Buying/Selling True Religion Jeans

The phrase side-hustle has become more and more popular, and for good reason. According to Merriam-Webster, a side-hustle is “work performed for income supplementary to one’s primary job”. As our socio-economic dynamics evolve, so too, does the definition and value of work. People feel they want more or need more money while others just enjoy the pursuit of entrepreneurship as a way of life. Shortly after I graduated college over 15 years ago, I had a 9-to-5 as a recruiter but always had the entrepreneurial itch. I came across designer warehouse sales in Los Angeles. Back then True Religion jeans were a thing and very popular; Nordstrom would sell them for $300-$500 a pair. So for about 3 years, I would go to the warehouse sales and buy enough inventory to last me a year at a 60–80% discount and then turn around and sell them to…



Cecil Williams

Cecil Williams is the Founder Of Cimifly Money, writer and investor. Created this platform to help members of his community lead better financial lives.