The Amateur’s Guide to Starting a Business Part II

Even more tips I wish someone told me before I started my businesses

Cecil Williams
5 min readJan 4, 2023

Part II

Last week, we discussed the necessary, fundamental steps you should take when starting a business from “0”. More than just running with a good idea, starting a business, I stressed, is doing your research about your industry, market, and the requirements in your state to start a business. I even passed along a few ideas on how to fund your new business.

Once you get past this starting point, you still have to run your business. Let’s jump into it.

Photo by Brandy Kennedy on Unsplash

Everything is Branding

OK, so let’s say you decide to start a small t-shirt business. (I’m using this example because I have done this! Me and my business partner, Raphael Saye, started Royal Dynamite over 10 years ago.) You’ve done your research, and set up your LLC and your business bank accounts. You already have your designs prepared, and have found a print shop that can print your shirts for an affordable price.

What you haven’t done, though, is think a lot about branding. You just want to sell your shirts, right?

Branding is more than just a good logo, although that is important. Branding identifies your company and makes



Cecil Williams

Cecil Williams is the Founder Of Cimifly Money, writer and investor. Created this platform to help members of his community lead better financial lives.